Crafting NDAs in Today's Entertainment Landscape


In the glamorous world of the entertainment industry, there are more than just stars and stories. There's a strategic dance that happens behind the curtain, often governed by legal agreements.

Among these, Non-disclosure Agreements (NDAs) or Confidentiality Agreements, as they're sometimes known, play a pivotal role.

But why are these agreements so central in Tinseltown, and what’s the ongoing legal hullabaloo about them?

Let’s peel back the layers:

Understanding NDAs in Hollywood:

An NDA is essentially a contract where one party promises to keep certain information confidential and not to disclose it to third parties. In the glitzy corridors of Hollywood:

  1. Script Secrets: Before a movie sees the light of day, its script is its sacrosanct heart. NDAs ensure that plot twists, character arcs, and unique ideas remain hushed until they're unveiled on screen.

  2. Celebrity Privacy: Hollywood's glitterati, ever in the public eye, often require a layer of privacy – be it their personal routines, health, relationships, or even their next big project.

  3. Business Moves: Deals, mergers, acquisitions, or partnerships – the wheels of Hollywood business are greased in secrecy until they’re officially announced.

  4. Production Processes: Innovative techniques, new technology in filmmaking, or even a novel marketing strategy are often guarded by NDAs to maintain a competitive edge.

The Shifting Sands of NDAs:

While NDAs have been a Hollywood mainstay, it's not just any NDA that will do in today's legal landscape. A landmark development in this space came with the NLRB's decision referenced here. In essence, the Board ushered in a more balanced approach (returning to a similar 2004 approach) when assessing the legality of employment policies, including NDAs. It now looks at both the potential benefits to the employer and the potential adverse impact on employees.

This means:

  1. Tailored Agreements: A generic, broad-spectrum NDA won't cut it anymore. The agreement needs to be precise, catering to specific needs without infringing on an employee's rights.

  2. Rationale and Justification: Why is a particular piece of information confidential? The NDA should elucidate this, and the reasons must be solid. For instance, if it's a script detail, the NDA must specify that revealing it would jeopardize the movie's success.

So what things should we be looking at when drafting or reviewing an NDA in the entertainment industry?

Nuances of 'Confidential':

  • Detail is King: Specify what ‘confidential information’ encompasses in your NDA. And with the backdrop of the National Labor Relations Board's Stericycle decision, it's important to consider including a customized definition of "confidential information" to fit your business needs. For example, a talent agency may have a different set of confidential information than a production studio.

  • Consider appropriate duration: For most trade secrets and proprietary information, having confidentiality that lasts in perpetuity may not be appropriate or reasonable. For instance, if you're safeguarding a TV show’s twist, consider that the confidentiality lasts until the episode airs - any longer and you may struggle to support reasons why.

  • Exclusions Matter: Clearly list out what doesn’t constitute confidential information, such as publicly known details or information obtained independently of the agreement. After all, this wouldn't likely be legally enforceable anyway. My approach is to make an agreement as easy to understand for the reader as possible, so they understand the intended limitations and enforcement terms and can comply.

Privacy Beyond the Limelight:

  • Tailored Protection: If dealing with celebrity figures or high-profile talent, establish the specifics that genuinely need protection. For instance, while shielding a music artist's upcoming album tracks is prudent, the protection duration might only need to last until the album's launch.

  • Scope and Purpose: Be sure to justify the reasons behind seeking such confidentiality, ensuring it doesn’t seem arbitrary.

Navigating the Minefield of Harassment Allegations:

  • Legal Alignments: With the groundbreaking Speak Out Act, NDAs can't stifle voices around allegations of sexual harassment or assault. Make sure your NDAs respect this boundary.

  • Beyond the Federal Scope: Consider state-specific legislation. For instance, California’s Silenced No More Act and the potential changes in New York seek to broaden the definition of what can’t be kept under wraps. Specifically, state laws may prohibit a non-disclosure that seeks to stifle an employee's right to speak about unlawful acts in the workplace, generally.

Cultivating an Ethical Environment:

  • Beyond Legality: NDAs, while essential legal tools, should also represent the ethical and cultural values of your company. They should not just be instruments to protect trade secrets but should also be emblematic of your commitment to a safe and inclusive workspace.

  • Open Conversations: Encourage an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing concerns related to NDAs or any perceived infringements. It's always easier to resolve these issues when employees feel supported with a safe place to discuss concerns before they escalate to a legal matter.

Key Takeaways:

The entertainment industry's NDA landscape is in flux, more than ever, as it responds to societal shifts and new legal mandates. It's not merely about holding onto industry secrets but doing so in a manner that is transparent, fair, and responsive to both industry needs and societal demands. As you craft or revise your NDAs, remember it's a balancing act — one that requires continuous updates and an attentive ear to the ground.

This post is not intended for legal advice. If you have questions about drafting NDAs in the entertainment industry, consult with a qualified entertainment employment attorney.

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