The Legal Cut: The Blog

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Loan Out Companies: Pros, Cons, and Considerations for Your Production

Unravel the complexities of loan-out companies in the entertainment industry. Learn about the benefits, risks, and legal considerations involved in utilizing loan-outs for talent and productions. Understand the implications of misclassification, state-specific tax obligations, and independent contractor laws. Get informed to make the right decisions or seek expert advice from Wagner Legal.

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lindsey wagner lindsey wagner

The Future of Employment Mediation: Embracing a Tech-Forward Approach

Explore the intricacies of work-related entertainment contracts, highlighting common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid. Gain insight into how informed decisions can protect your interests and smooth your path through the complex legal landscape of the entertainment world when it comes to employment and independent contractor agreements.

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Work-Related Contract Pitfalls to Avoid in the Entertainment Industry (Employment and Independent Contractor Agreements)

Explore the intricacies of work-related entertainment contracts, highlighting common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid. Gain insight into how informed decisions can protect your interests and smooth your path through the complex legal landscape of the entertainment world when it comes to employment and independent contractor agreements.

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