Workplace Training

Your business is specialized. Your workplace training should be, too.

At Wagner Legal, we think outside the box.
Our customized, high-energy workplace training engages employees and transforms leadership in a training program that compliments your business style and culture while ensuring compliance with workplace laws in California, Florida, New York, and Ohio.

Comprehensive Workplace Training

Our training educates employees on workplace best practices, which include tactics useful for the prevention of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation as well as the prevention of hazardous activities in the workplace. 

Not only do we help you to train your employees, but we work to ensure that your employees understand your policies and the laws that govern your workplace.  Our training is comprehensive and compliant with the most recent legal developments.

Training employees is crucial to protect your business as well as the safety of your employees - and in some states, is required by law.

Woman performing workplace training with a group of people

Workplace Training and
Diversity & Inclusion Services 

Across the United States, many states have mandated mandating workplace training. Failure to maintain compliance with these regulations can result in fines
and increased exposure to liability for future employee claims.

Under most state and federal laws, a manager's actions
(or failure to act) can create liability on behalf of the company. Failure to train employees (including management) on workplace conduct can result in your company losing its ability to defend against punitive damages and assert certain affirmative defenses in
future litigation. 

Group of people discussing note during a workplace training session.

Benefits of Workplace Training           

  • Through training programs, employees gain valuable skills in effectively managing and addressing complaints, equipping them to handle any grievances they may receive.

  • Employees are empowered with the knowledge and tools to foster an inclusive and respectful work environment, thanks to bystander intervention training, promoting collaboration in creating a discrimination and harassment-free workplace.

  • Workplace training fosters a clear understanding among employees regarding expected conduct within the organization and also enlightens them about actions that could lead to violations under state and federal laws.

  • Workplace training imparts knowledge about company policies related to complaint submission, ensuring that employees are well-informed about the processes and expectations for complaint handling.

  • Our workplace anti-harassment and respect training seeks to empower employees by educating your workforce on how they can be instrumental in creating a culture of anti-harassment and equality, including through bystander intervention training. We teach employees about the different types of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation as well as workplace bullying. We provide employees with the keys to learning how to report such instances - all of which can help to protect the company from liability for claims of discrimination and harassment

  • We offer flexible training options, whether in person through on-site sessions or remotely via video conferencing, ensuring accessibility and convenience for all individuals regardless of their physical location or scheduling constraints. Through these training initiatives, we strive to safeguard our company from liability and promote a harmonious, inclusive, and respectful work environment for every member of our organization.

  • As of Spring 2022, at least six (6) states require some sort of workplace harassment training. Those include:

    California | Connecticut | Delaware | Illinois | Maine | New York

    Employers operating in these states (or even just doing business in these states) should ensure that they comply with each state's individual training requirements.

    While not all states in the United States require workplace harassment training, most recommend it. Further, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has issued guidelines, which apply to employers in all states, stating that employers periodically should provide [harassment prevention] training to all employees to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities. The EEOC cautions against employers using "canned, one-size-fits-all" training, and instead concluded that "effective compliance trainings are those that are tailored to the specific realities of different workplaces."

    When in doubt, it is best to consider whether to provide workplace training by considering what sort of education the company could provide to employees to support a safe, fair, and respectful environment for employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Entertainment Industry Workplace Training

At Wagner Legal, we specialize in serving the entertainment industry, and our commitment extends to providing top-notch workplace training services.

In the highly competitive and fast-paced environment of the entertainment industry, ensuring that all professionals are treated with respect and dignity is paramount. Harassment, in its various forms such as sexual harassment, racial harassment, and other types of discrimination, can have severe consequences for both individuals and organizations that allow it to persist.

Our harassment training is designed to educate professionals about what constitutes harassment and equip them with preventive measures. By fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity within the industry, we aim to cultivate a more positive and productive work environment, where every individual's rights and well-being are valued and protected.

California street with the Hollywood Signage at the end of it

Benefits of Harassment Training in the Entertainment Industry   

Providing harassment training in the entertainment industry not only mitigates legal risks but also offers several other valuable benefits. Firstly, it helps create a positive work environment by addressing toxic behaviors, leading to improved morale and productivity. Secondly, it prevents legal liability by demonstrating an organization's proactive measures to prevent harassment and promote a safe workplace. Thirdly, it protects professionals' rights and dignity, safeguarding them from physical and emotional harm, career setbacks, and financial losses. Moreover, it promotes diversity and inclusivity, breaking barriers for marginalized groups and ensuring fair treatment for all. Lastly, it fosters a culture of professionalism, upholding industry standards and preserving its integrity and reputation.

Two female coworkers discussing the benefits of anti-harassment training in the entertainment industry.

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