Workplace Investigations

Promote fairness and accountability in your workplace and ensure a respectful and productive environment for all.

With over a decade of experience in state and federal case litigation, Wagner Legal expertly guides you through the intricacies of employment law. Serving California, Florida, New York, and Ohio, our dedicated team is committed to upholding justice by conducting thorough investigations into workplace matters.

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Creating a safe & productive workplace

Establishing a secure and productive workplace that stands firm against retaliation requires the strategic deployment of impactful policies that precisely define employee expectations and forbidden conduct. A crucial aspect of this initiative entails the establishment of transparent procedures for reporting employee concerns.

Nevertheless, the mere enactment of exemplary policies proves inadequate in shielding companies from potential liabilities or preempting future occurrences, unless coupled with expeditious investigations triggered by the receipt of employee complaints.

Four colleagues, two women and two men, lean over a table to discuss documents related to a workplace investigation in a modern office setting.

Ensuring a Workplace  

that Thrives                     

To foster a workplace environment characterized by safety and productivity, and to shield employees from discriminatory or harassing actions, employers are urged to seriously consider the services of a seasoned Third Party Neutral Workplace Investigator each time an employee lodges a complaint.

Five young professionals collaborating around a laptop, with visible excitement and focus, in a thriving office environment.

Power Dynamics

The entertainment industry is known for its hierarchical power dynamics, which can make it difficult for individuals to come forward with complaints. The investigation should be sensitive to these dynamics and ensure that all parties feel comfortable speaking openly and honestly.

Navigating Workplace Investigations:                                 

6 Unique Considerations in The Entertainment Industry

Public Image

The entertainment industry is an incredibly visible arena, and thus any workplace investigations must be strategized with a public relations crisis in mind. It's vital to ensure that everyone involved is treated equitably while simultaneously reducing potential negative publicity for the company; consulting external professionals such as PR or crisis management firms may prove prudent if needed.

Industry Specific Laws

The entertainment industry is often subject to specific laws and regulations. The investigation should be conducted with an understanding of these laws and regulations to ensure compliance and by a professional who understands industry standard practices and industry-specific issues.

High Profile Individuals

The entertainment industry involves well-known figures which could make investigating their activity a delicate affair. A successful investigation requires finesse and consideration to prevent any ripple effects that may impact the entire field or involved parties.

Cultural Sensitivity

The entertainment industry is diverse and multicultural, and the investigation should be sensitive to the different cultures and backgrounds of the individuals involved.

Union Representation

Some entertainment industry employees may be represented by a union, and the investigation should be conducted in compliance with any collective bargaining agreements or other obligations related to union representation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Workplace investigations are necessary to uncover any issues that may have been overlooked or ignored by management. In an industry as large as entertainment, there are often many people involved and numerous allegations that must be addressed. As such, it is important to conduct thorough workplace investigations to ensure that any issues are identified and addressed appropriately.

  • Workplace investigations are typically triggered by allegations of misconduct or violations of company policies or codes of conduct. Common triggers include reports of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, theft, fraud, safety violations, or other violations of workplace rules and regulations. It's essential to investigate promptly and thoroughly when such allegations arise to maintain a safe and respectful work environment.

  • A qualified and impartial investigator should conduct workplace investigations. This individual can be an HR professional, a manager, or an external investigator with expertise in employment law and investigative techniques. The choice often depends on the complexity and sensitivity of the case. Selecting an impartial investigator is crucial to ensure a fair and unbiased process.

  • The duration of a workplace investigation can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, the number of witnesses, and the volume of evidence. While there is no fixed timeframe, it's essential to balance thoroughness with timeliness. Most investigations are completed within a reasonable timeframe, typically ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months. However, it's important to communicate with all parties involved to manage expectations regarding the investigation's timeline.

Workplace Investigations Best Practices

When conducting workplace investigations in the entertainment industry, it is important to adhere to certain best practices.

  • Create a safe environment where those involved can speak freely without fear of retribution or retaliation. This might be called a zero-tolerance policy against retaliation.

  • Be impartial and maintain confidentiality throughout the investigative process, so no one feels they've been unfairly treated.

  • Document all findings clearly and provide detailed notes on each investigation so that any potential issues can be addressed promptly and effectively.

A woman in a floral shirt, part of a film crew, browses through postcards at a shop from an overhead perspective for a scene involving workplace investigations.

How Can Investigations
Be Used Effectively?

By conducting workplace investigations, you are empowering your organization and teams to make informed decisions in response to inquiries, strategically addressing underlying issues. When corrective measures are applied to individuals responsible for misconduct or policy violations, transparent communication ensures consistent comprehension of potential consequences throughout the organization. Moreover, reaching out to those affected by investigation outcomes, whether positive or negative, fosters a sense of acknowledgment and respect, enhancing the overall process.

Four diverse young professionals engaging with content on a laptop, looking excited and focused, in a brightly lit modern office space during a workplace investigation.

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