Resolving Common Conflicts Through Pre-Litigation Mediation Programs and External Ombud Services

Common conflicts in the workplace

In the realm of workplace dynamics, conflicts may seem almost inevitable. When differences in personalities, communication styles, and values among employees clash - it can lead to disputes that negatively impact the working environment, employee morale, and productivity. In these situations, some powerful tools gaining prominence in resolving workplace disputes are alternative dispute resolution (ADR) opportunities - like ombuds services and informal mediation. As the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) explains, “ADR refers to the various “agreement-oriented alternative procedures to litigation” that have experienced significant growth in popularity in the past four decades”. Alternative procedures include:

  • Negotiation (parties resolve conflict directly without facilitation)

  • Mediation (a neutral third party guides the participants to a mutually agreeable resolution)

  • And Arbitration (a formal arbitrator makes a final, binding decision).

ADR may also include ombuds services. 

And let’s talk about the benefits of an internal ADR program:

  • Efficiency in Resolving Disputes: Adopting ADR techniques, as evidenced in the federal sector, has shown significant efficiency in handling disputes. This means quicker resolutions, less time spent in drawn-out processes, and overall cost savings for employers.

  • Reducing Litigation Risk: Early dispute resolution through ADR can catch issues before they escalate to litigation. This not only saves on potential legal costs but also minimizes the risks associated with public, often costly, legal battles.

  • Maintaining Workplace Harmony: ADR, particularly mediation, has been effective in preserving professional relationships. Resolving disputes amicably can maintain a positive workplace environment, essential for productivity and employee morale.

  • Flexibility and Confidentiality: ADR offers a more flexible approach compared to formal legal proceedings. It allows for tailored solutions that suit both parties and maintain confidentiality, protecting the company's reputation and sensitive information.

  • Proactive Problem Solving: Adopting an ADR program demonstrates a proactive approach to conflict resolution. It signals to employees that the company values fair and effective solutions, potentially boosting employee satisfaction and trust.

  • Learning and Improvement: Implementing ADR allows companies to learn from disputes and improve their internal policies and practices. This continual improvement can lead to a more harmonious and legally compliant workplace.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: ADR is generally more cost-effective than litigation. It reduces legal fees and associated costs, and the swifter resolution of disputes can also mean less disruption to business operations.

In summary, adopting an ADR program can offer private employers a pragmatic and effective tool for early dispute resolution. It not only benefits in terms of cost and efficiency but also supports a healthier, more cohesive workplace culture. In this blog, we delve into prevalent workplace conflicts that can be effectively mitigated through the implementation of both external ombuds services and informal mediation programs. Discover how an external ombud brings an impartial perspective, fostering trust and fair resolution. Additionally, explores the proactive and constructive approach of informal mediation, providing a confidential space for open dialogue. 


Of all workplace conflicts, the most concerning is when the issues become serious - crossing the line from general disputes to illegal activity.

Take, for example, discrimination. 

Discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that can have profound effects on both the victim and the organization. It can manifest in various forms, such as ageism, racism, sexism, or discrimination based on disabilities. When an employee feels that they have been subjected to discrimination, it can lead to a hostile work environment, diminished job satisfaction, and even legal action. 

External Ombud + Discrimination

Engaging an external ombud service offers a distinct advantage for companies seeking to address discrimination and other workplace issues effectively. An external ombud brings an impartial perspective, free from internal biases or influences, ensuring that all parties feel heard and respected. This impartiality is crucial in cases of discrimination, where trust in the process and fairness are paramount. Moreover, an external ombud can provide an anonymous channel for employees to raise concerns, fostering a safe environment for voicing sensitive issues without fear of retaliation or stigma. Their expertise in conflict resolution and deep understanding of workplace dynamics can lead to more nuanced and effective solutions, often uncovering underlying issues that may not be apparent from within the organization. By demonstrating a commitment to an unbiased and thorough examination of workplace concerns, companies not only enhance their ability to resolve disputes but also strengthen their organizational culture, bolster employee morale, and affirm their dedication to creating a diverse, inclusive, and respectful workplace.

Informal Mediation + Discrimination

Additionally or alternatively, incorporating an informal pre-litigation mediation program can be a strategic and effective tool for companies aiming to combat discrimination in the workplace. Such a program offers a proactive approach to resolving conflicts before they escalate into formal complaints or litigation, thereby minimizing legal risks and preserving workplace relationships. Mediation provides a confidential, safe space for open dialogue, allowing parties to express concerns and perspectives without fear of retribution. This environment facilitates a deeper understanding of discrimination issues, enabling the mediator to guide parties toward mutually acceptable resolutions. Additionally, this approach empowers employees to be part of the solution, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to a discrimination-free workplace. The insights gained through mediation can also inform company policies and training, leading to long-term improvements in company culture. Ultimately, an informal pre-litigation mediation program not only addresses individual instances of discrimination but also signals a company’s proactive stance in cultivating an inclusive, respectful, and equitable work environment.

Interpersonal Conflicts

Interpersonal conflicts are among the most common issues in any workplace. They can arise due to differences in personalities, working styles, communication, or even personal grudges. Such conflicts can lead to decreased productivity, increased employee turnover, and a toxic work environment. 

External Ombud Service for Resolving Interoffice Interpersonal Conflicts:

Utilizing an external ombud service can be a highly effective strategy for resolving interoffice interpersonal conflicts. By bringing in an impartial third party, companies can ensure that conflicts are addressed with neutrality and objectivity. An external ombud can provide a confidential and safe space for employees to voice their concerns and issues, away from the pressures of the office hierarchy. This can encourage open and honest communication, allowing the root causes of interpersonal conflicts to be addressed more effectively. Moreover, an external ombud brings a fresh perspective and specialized conflict resolution skills, helping to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics and facilitate understanding and reconciliation between parties. The presence of an external ombud also demonstrates the company's commitment to a fair and respectful workplace, fostering a culture of trust and openness. By addressing conflicts constructively and promptly, an external ombud service can help maintain a harmonious work environment and prevent the escalation of issues.

Pre-Litigation Mediation Program for Resolving Interoffice Interpersonal Conflicts:

Implementing a pre-litigation mediation program is a proactive measure for managing interoffice interpersonal conflicts. This approach offers a structured yet informal platform for parties to discuss their issues in a controlled environment, guided by a skilled mediator. The mediation process encourages direct communication, promoting understanding and empathy between conflicting parties. This can lead to more enduring and meaningful resolutions that address the interests of all involved. A pre-litigation mediation program also helps in de-escalating tensions before they intensify to the point of formal complaints or legal disputes, preserving professional relationships and the overall workplace atmosphere. Additionally, it serves as a learning opportunity, equipping employees with conflict resolution skills and insights that contribute to a more cohesive and collaborative work environment. By investing in such a program, companies not only resolve current conflicts more effectively but also build a foundation for a more resilient and interconnected workforce.

Disputes Over Job Responsibilities

In a busy workplace, disputes over job responsibilities can easily arise. These conflicts often stem from misunderstandings, differences in expectations, or shifting priorities. When left unresolved, they can lead to bottlenecks in workflow, inefficiency, and frustration among employees. 

External Ombud Service for Resolving Disputes Over Job Responsibilities:

An external ombud service can be invaluable in addressing disputes over job responsibilities, bringing clarity and impartiality to often complex situations. This service offers an independent perspective, crucial for objectively assessing disagreements about job roles and duties. An external ombud can facilitate discussions between parties, helping to identify misunderstandings or miscommunications about job expectations. Their neutral position allows for a balanced evaluation of each party's viewpoints and the organizational context. The external ombud can also recommend solutions and strategies for clarifying job responsibilities, potentially involving job redesign or adjustments in workflow. This approach not only has the potential to resolve the immediate dispute but may also contribute to clearer role definitions and expectations in the long term, enhancing job satisfaction and productivity.

Pre-Litigation Mediation Program for Resolving Disputes Over Job Responsibilities:

A pre-litigation mediation program specifically designed to address disputes over job responsibilities can serve as a proactive and effective solution. Such a program could provide a structured yet flexible environment where employees and management can openly discuss issues related to job roles and expectations. Mediation in this context would focus on identifying the core issues at hand, whether they are overlapping duties, unclear role delineation, or unmet expectations. The mediator can guide the conversation and exploration towards constructive solutions, such as realignment of responsibilities or modifications in job descriptions, ensuring that outcomes are mutually agreed upon and aligned with organizational objectives. This approach not only has the potential to resolve the immediate conflict but also can promote a culture of open communication and collaborative problem-solving within the organization.

Conflicts Between Managers and Subordinates 

Conflicts between managers and subordinates can be particularly challenging to address, as the power dynamics at play can make open communication difficult. These conflicts may arise due to differences in leadership styles, unfair treatment, or miscommunications. 

ADR solutions can help. For example, an n external ombud service can play a crucial role in resolving conflicts between managers and subordinates, offering an unbiased platform for both parties to express their concerns. In these conflicts, power dynamics can often hinder open communication and resolution. An external ombud provides a neutral ground where subordinates can voice their issues without fear of repercussion, and managers can gain a clearer understanding of their subordinates' perspectives. This process helps in identifying underlying issues, whether they involve communication breakdowns, management styles, or expectations. The external ombud can facilitate a constructive dialogue, suggesting actionable steps towards improving manager-subordinate relationships and fostering a more respectful and understanding workplace culture.

Disagreements Over Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and benefit disputes can easily arise in any organization. Employees may feel that they are not being compensated fairly, there may be misunderstandings about the terms of their employment contract, or potential underlying pay equity issues. 

Adopting a pre-litigation mediation program for disputes over compensation can be a strategic move for employers, particularly in the current climate where pay equity is a critical and often litigated issue. Such a program may provide a confidential and collaborative setting where employees can raise their concerns regarding compensation without escalating to formal legal channels. The mediation process allows for open discussion about salary, benefits, and other compensation-related issues, with the aim of finding equitable solutions. Importantly, these early ADR options not only offer a chance to resolve individual disputes but also present an opportunity for employers to identify and address systemic pay equity issues proactively. This can prevent costly litigation, safeguard the company's reputation, and ensure compliance with pay equity regulations. By addressing compensation disputes early and effectively, companies demonstrate their commitment to fairness and equity in the workplace, which can significantly enhance employee trust and loyalty. 


In conclusion, ADR tools are powerful strategies for resolving common workplace conflicts. Whether the issues are related to discrimination claims, interpersonal conflicts, job responsibilities, manager-subordinate disputes, harassment complaints, or compensation disagreements, external ombud services and pre-litigation mediation programs can help create a harmonious and productive work environment. 

If you’re considering implementing these conflict resolution strategies in your organization, we offer expertise in setting up and providing services for both external ombuds and informal mediation programs. At Wagner Legal PC, we specialize in the creation of employment pre-litigation mediation programs and external ombud services, providing a safe and constructive platform for resolving workplace conflicts. If your organization is facing any of these challenges, consider exploring our external ombud or mediation services to build a more collaborative and conflict-free workplace. Contact us today! 

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